Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Closing Day

It's about 9AM, DC-time.  I'm going to bed shortly.

At 2PM, DC-time, my sister will hopefully be closing on our house.  I say "hopefully" because I am going to sleep tonight not knowing if she will actually be able to sign the papers in five hours - and if I will - or won't - be a homeowner when I wake up in the morning.

(Note: "wake up in the morning" is a lose term with a baby around.  By "wake up in the morning," I mean any time after 5:30 when I decide to make tea. I do not mean the periods between 1AM and 4:30AM when I'm trying to coax baby back to sleep, or pretending I don't hear him - but am still very much awake - in nascent attempts to sleep train him.  He may be a cute potato, but champion sleeper he is not.)

The story?  Well, the home inspection found a 15 degree temperature difference between the second floor and attic bedroom.  No good.  We asked for a credit at closing to have the furnace inspected and repaired or replaced. The seller refused the credit, insisting he would have a licensed HVAC technician fix it.  We agreed.  And then the seller didn't have said technician come until two days ago.

My sister visited for final walk through on Monday, and the furnace wouldn't turn on.  Great.  She and the real estate agent tried to call the seller, but it turns out he (and his agent) is (are) an Orthodox Jew(s). And it is Passover.  And he can't use a phone.  And I am in Manila.  Probably one of the most challenging closings for my real estate agent ever.  Somehow, though, my real estate agent managed to find a work around and have someone from the seller side send out an HVAC technician (should arrive in about 45 minutes) -- without a telephone call.

If that technician can fix things before 2PM, we'll close.  If not ... hopefully closing will only be delayed to Thursday.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Glad it worked out & I hope you didn't lose too much sleep.