Friday, December 16, 2011

The Next Stage, Cemented

I don't really think of myself as that old, but who ever does?  I realized today, though, that I have firmly moved into the "next stage" of life.  DINK really doesn't apply anymore.  We may have had delusions in HYD, with only one young boy and babysitting so (comparatively) inexpensive, but such fantasies exist no more.

On the way home, a coworker (single, young, intelligent woman ... not unlike myself not so long ago - except Greg's been around since age 17 :)  ) conversationally asked about my weekend plans.  I thought about it, then said baking cookies for a cookie exchange, sewing a 70s costume for Wm's school play, preparing some snacks for the yaya to take to a Christmas party at Gymboree with Patch (while I'm at said cookie exchange), then a Lessons & Carols service on Sunday.

After a brief pause, she just looked at me with and expression that meant something along the lines of "wow. that is so completely totally different from my weekend, I don't even know where to start."  And, since she didn't volunteer her weekend plans other than a vague mention of "holiday parties" (and since we were home), I didn't press it.

I've been thinking about it all evening, as I was cutting out sugar cookies and then searching online for a free sewing pattern for a vest.  Really no going back anymore!  Our lifestyle over the last five years has changed dramatically because of our job, but gradually because of the boys - the later without really realizing it.


Unknown said...

Tell me about it, PRDP. When my single friends talk about going out or staying out past 10 pm I feel completely exhausted just thinking about it. Right now it's 9:28 and I'm seriously thinking about going up to bed to read.

PRDP said...

Umm... by 9:28, I'm already in bed, debating if I should keep reading or turn out the light!