Saturday, May 7, 2011

From the Royal Wedding to Osama to Peace

Yes, it was an interesting morning at church today. After a few trials, we've settled at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (

We started off singing "Jerusalem" in honor of Prince William and Catherine's wedding. Most of the clergy are Aussie, so have a Commonwealth-interest in things royal. A difficult hymn to sing, but a fun way to incorporate world events when living so far away.

Then the sermon focused (mosty, it was a bit rambling) on Osama bin Laden's death. I'm still chewing on two of his thoughts. (1) how Osama's "mixing of hatred and religion created one of the most powerful and dangerous cocktails on Earth" and how this applies in general to religion in the world. (2) how one should never rejoice in another's death: "we cannot applaud anything destructive and violent." I'm not sure if the sermon will be posted to the church website, but it's an interesting listen even if you don't agree with some of his points.

Thankfully, after that, a baptism followed. Who can't smile at a cute two-month-old baby? Or at the letter read from the baby's grandmother's parish priest in Florida? Or at how at this church they have the Sunday school class children come in, each dip their hand in the baptismal water, and then touch the baby saying "I bless you," for a blessing for a child from a child?

Appropriately to the sermon theme of the day, part of the baptismal covenant reads that, with God's help, the congregants will "strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being." Something we all - regardless of religion - can certainly work towards.

And then we sang: Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace).


Beth said...

712?? I love 712!

Elaine said...

Spoken like a true fan of the Episcopal Hymnal.