I've always been amazed that we made it through two years in HYD with two small boys and no health issues more serious than pink eye. Really. Unbelievable. I figured Wm and Patch must have tummies of steel and antibodies up the wazoo. How else to explain this miracle?
Manila has been a bit harsher on them, sadly. They both had terrible tummy troubles this last week, culminating in Wm visiting the ER at 2AM on Wednesday. He woke up in so much pain and had trouble breathing - I honestly was concerned he had appendicitis or perhaps a return of intusseception (telescoping bowel) that he suffered from at 13 months old. Given that experience three years ago, off we tramped to visit the ER here.
Thankfully, it turned out nothing was wrong except a very bad bacterial infection - or, at least, that's the leading guess given his blood work up. So, he's on super strong antibiotics and I'll probably take him back in a month to make sure the blood work is more normal.
Just as I was recovering from that, I the clinic called - Patch had a gash in his lip (courtesy of a push from his big brother; he toppled over and bonked his head on the coffee table, in turn biting down on his lip). It's borderline needing stiches and they recommend I go to the ER for a consultation.
Pack up work bags, hail taxi, off I go to meet Patch (with nanny and driver) at the ER. Again. Two visits in two days. How many parents can be so lucky?
After consults from two different doctors at the ER, I opted for no stiches. The gash is pretty nasty, but the docs think it will heal quickly on its own since babies bodies do that. Lucky Patch - I was encouraged to feed him ice cream if it seems like his lip is bothering him. Now that's a treatment any kid would love!
The ER here is clean and nurses and doctors competent. Good things to know :) Both boys are now on antibiotics, so any residual tummy troubles should be gone soon. I'm thankful we have the clinic right on the compound, too. I told you I might be a compound-convert by the time we leave here....
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