Tuesday, May 26, 2015

PEPCO's astonishing show of efficiency

PEPCO (our local power co) has been advertising its EnergyWise peak savings program since we've moved in.  I've received countless fliers and emails.  Each time I receive one, I think: I should enroll in this.  Twice, I've even gone to the website to see if I could enroll from there, but after three clicks, I got distracted by something else.  So, I've never enrolled.

Imagine my surprise just now when I got a phone call - which I almost didn't answer because only sales calls call our home phone - from PEPCO.  The agent said that a number of my neighbors had signed up so they'd be sending a crew to my area next week (enrolling involves installation of a new piece of equipment) and she wanted to know if I (a) knew about the program and (b) was interested in signing up.

Yes, thank you!

A shocking sign of efficiency and proactive nature from an old electric power company.  

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